Tuesday, January 08, 2008



things here at Casa Knits are winding down after the holidays. And no, I didn't make any resolutions. No Diets! yarn or otherwise. No lists! No looking back in doubt or disbelief or relief, no wondering what the future will bring either. Just being in the moment.......being in the now!

altho, the Nov-December season was rather eventful: thanksgiving dinner, my birthday, 3 christmas parties hosted for various and assorted groups, my graduation reception, and the family christmas for all the relatives. Now its the seemingly never-ending "do you have a job yet?" and then the endless litany of 'helpful' suggestions for finding a job that have been gone over and over and over and.... you get the idea.

On the happy front: I did manage to finish some projects that I started earlier in the year. these projects also helped me to maintain my temper/sanity and gave a place to go 'timeout' myself. Both are from roving purchased
at Stitches West in 2007; both are blue faced Leicester-a pleasure to spin and knit, in my opinion. Lisa Souza at Lisa Knits does some of the most wonderful colors and combinations that it is my pleasure to purchase. and she's local to my area, another bonus. The blue/orange/red/purple skeins are the colorway 'Mardi Gras' and I managed to spin a nice 282 yards of 2 ply from the 4 oz roving. The green/blue socks are knit from my own handspun. This is one of my early efforts at spinning to a standard and for a project: this was a 4 oz BFL roving that spun to 210 yds of 2 ply in the color way of 'Spring Greens'. I have one roving left and somehow manage to go out of way my to pet it everytime I'm in the same room with it. I'm thinking that I will get me some more when Stitches rolls around again this year. sorry for the lousy pictures, camera is ancient.

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