About time!
I updated a post or two. It seems that time has gotten away from me. I am
still looking for a job in my field. The donut shop just doesn't satisfy as rewarding work. It's so brainless to me, that I don't even wake up mentally to go to work. It's all grey. Cleaning a restaurant from stem to stern 4 days a week is physically awakening, but not very mental.
Anyway, here's a picture of Sacramento County Wool Show 2009 Sheep-to-Shawl winners:
(find the picture first, silly. I'll come back and insert it later.)
We won for the second year in a row. It seems that the team to beat, Silverado, uses the May competition as a kinda tune-up for competing at Black Sheep in Oregon and Pleasanton in CA. Have we finally progressed to the point that we are technically beating them? Or are we the default winners cause we don't have any mistakes and finish on time? Last year they had problems with their warp and didn't finish. This year, they where spinning really really fine and lost points because of some extreme take-up in their shawl. In other words, they didn't meet the finished size requirements. Pam and I(she's the weaver of the group) are really thinking hard about how we've won. Winning is nice, don't say that I didn't say so, however, did we win on merit or because we got all our little boxes checked off on the jugdes' list, not because we spun and wove a better object? It's irritating, is what it is. We will see in October at Lambtown. We face off again. Inquiring minds want to know!!!!